
d. If the weight of the tub and water is 687.335 pounds, how many gallons of water have drained from the tub?

Accepted Solution

Answer:A)  [tex]8.345*v[/tex]B)  [tex]767.525 - 8.345v[/tex]C)  392 poundsD)  27 gallonsStep-by-step explanation:This is NOT the complete question. The complete and full question is given below:A bathtub contains 45 gallons of water and the total weight of the tub and water is approximately 767.525 pounds. You pull the plug and the water begins to drain. Let v represent the number of gallons of water that has drained from the tub since the plug was pulled. Note that water weights 8.345 pounds per gallon. A) write an expression in terms of v that represents the weight of the water that has drained from the tub (in pounds). B) write an expression in terms of v that represents the total weight of the tub and water (in pounds). C) how much does the tub weigh when there in no water in it? D) if the weight of the tub and water is 617.315 pounds, how many gallons of water are in the tub?Solution:A)Since water weighs 8.345 pounds per gallon, in 45 gallons, there are 45 * 8.345 = 375.525 pounds of waterHence,Weight of tub = 767.525 - 375.525 = 392 poundsNow,The water , v, that has drained from the tub in pounds would be[tex]8.345*v[/tex]Note:  v can be from 0 to 45B)Total weight of water in terms of how much water has been drained (8.345v) would be the The total initial weight of tub and water (767.525) MINUS how much has been drained (8.345v), so[tex]767.525 - 8.345v[/tex]C)The total weight of tub and water is 767.525 pounds. There is 45 gallons of water, in pounds that is, 8.345*45 = 375.525 poundsHence, we subtract this from 767.525 .767.525 - 375.525 = 392 poundsD)If total is now 617.315, tub weight 392, so water's weight is:617.315 - 392 = 225.315 poundsTo get in gallons, we divide by 8.345, so225.315/8.345 = 27 gallons